metal fabrication company for small project help

Do you enjoy working with metal? Are there some projects that you have planned in your head, but cannot figure out how to create? I was working with my son to build him a small go-cart that we had designed on paper, but couldn't figure out how to shape the body the way that he wanted it to look. After days of brainstorming and several sheets of metal wasted, I decided to take the problem to the professional metal fabrication company near my house. What I learned really opened my eyes to some of the mistakes that my son and I were making. To learn how a metal fabrication company can help you with your projects, visit my site.

The Proper Tools For Fabricating Acrylic Sheets


Acrylic fabrication is not a difficult concept when you have the right tools and when you understand the steps that must be taken to finish the piece. The great thing about acrylic fabrication is that acrylic sheets are not heavy, which makes them easy to work with.


The two best ways to cut through an acrylic sheet is by sawing with a no-melt blade or with a laser. You should use a carbide-tipped blade. Each tooth needs a beveled cutting edge. When it is necessary to cut a more intricate part, it is better to use lasers. As laser equipment is becoming less expensive, more fabricators are using this method. It is not necessary to remove the paper backing when cutting with a laser and this will even protect the acrylic sheet from damage. The edge will be very stressed after using the laser, so it is recommended that you anneal the sheet to reduce the risk of crazing. 


Any drilling should be performed with a drill designed specifically for acrylic sheets. High-speed drills made with steel are the best options when drilling through acrylic sheets. Drill bits are more effective at drilling plastic if the tip is ground to an angle. When the bit has the right angle and is drilling at the right speed, it will cut through the plastic and create spirals, which causes minimal damage to the acrylic. 


Annealing relieves stress that may be caused by many of these fabrication processes. Without annealing, there is a risk that the acrylic sheet will crack or craze. Annealing also increases the strength of the acrylic sheet. The annealing process is carried out using a forced air oven. There are ovens that are designed specifically for annealing acrylic. However, an alternative is to use an oven used for cooking.


How you clean your acrylic products will play a major role in how amazing they end up looking. Cleaners that contain ammonia or alcohol will cause damage to the acrylic. Instead, it is important to use a mild soap to remove dirt. Fortunately, acrylic sheets are very weather-resistant. 


After an acrylic sheet has been prepared, it will need to be finished. This is carried out by sanding and polishing. Sanding will remove any roughness left behind and polishing will smooth out the surface. Finishing an acrylic sheet will make it more resistant to damage and improve the appearance of the part. 


2 August 2017